Saturday 15 September 2018

To Find Fertility Acupuncture Miami Is The Best Location To Check Out

By Charles Hughes

Scientific explanations have been used to explain various theories and phenomena. Sometimes they have been used to prove or disapprove theories but there are cases where they remain dumb on certain things. Acupuncture is one example where scientific explanations say very little since little is known about it. Despite being a widely spread practice its mode of operation still remains a mystery. When one needs Fertility Acupuncture Miami Offers the perfect location to visit.

This form of alternative medicine involves insertion of needles into the body of a patient. The traditional Chinese medicine considers it a key component of treatment. Unfortunately, the theories and practices of traditional Chinese medicine on this topic are not based on any scientific knowledge. As such, it is considered to be a pseudoscience. Over the years different philosophies have been the basis upon which acupuncture theories have been based.

Health is the outcome of a harmonious balance of yin and yang, which are complementary extremes of a life force called qi according to Chinese theory. It implies that when an imbalance of the two forces occurs, one becomes sick. It is thought that this life force flows throughout the body of an individual. The flow occurs through channels called meridians or pathways. Further explanation given by the theory is that these pathways can be accessed through acupuncture appoints on the body.

The theory has it that the human body has a sum total of 350 acupuncture points. Pathways can be accessed through these acupuncture points. This is purely the reason as to why an acupuncturist inserts needles into these meridians so as to revert the flow of energy back to its usual balance. There are different depths to which needles can be inserted.

Acupuncturist lets the patient lie still on a flat surface in a typical session. From there, their bodies are inserted with needles. A range of 20 to 25 needles are applied in many cases. About twenty to ten minutes is the duration they are left in place. The acupuncturist usually decides which point to use. To achieve this, acupuncturist observes and questions the patient about the condition they have in order to make a diagnosis.

Needles used are usually stainless steel although copper needles also exist. Stainless steel is among metals that are resistant to rusting but still flexible. They are also strong hence there is not risk of breakage or contamination as they are sterile. In most cases they are used once then disposed of however some are reusable. With reusable needles they must be sterilized after every use.

Acupuncturists use needles of varying lengths. Most of them are between 130 to 30 millimeters. Those that are used close to the eyes and on the face are shorter while thicker and longer ones are used on parts with thicker tissues. The diameter variation ranges between 0.46 millimeters to 0.16 millimeters. The needles are neither too sharp nor too blunt to avoid breakage and causing too much pain.

Lastly, this practice is often used in relieving pain but conducted research shows that it is effective against migraines and headaches. It is also effective against knee and neck pain, low back pain, and osteoarthritis. Acupuncture can be used for medical treatment or for recreational purposes. For medical purposes, it must be used together with other forms of treatment.

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