Sunday 23 September 2018

Easy Tips On How To Prevent Atherosclerosis Effectively And All Naturally

By Sarah Stevens

Plaque doesn't accumulate on your pearly whites only, despite what many think. Such can also collect within your arteries, a really serious disease that doctors call atherosclerosis. Many different health complications can happen because of it. Such is the reason why you need to prevent atherosclerosis from bugging you. Below you will come across a few really easy recommendations for fending it off successfully.

Quit cigarette smoking. Before attempting to change the diet, there's one habit that should be eliminated first and that's smoking. According to health authorities, toxins that cigarette smoking introduces into the body can cause the arteries to harden and narrow. Such can make it easier for plaque to collect within them.

Consume alcohol in moderation. Most people pair cigarette smoking with another habit that can easily cause the clogging of the arteries to happen and that's excessive consumption of alcohol. The good news is one does not really need to turn his or her back on alcohol entirely. Experts say that moderate amounts of alcohol can in fact come with certain health benefits. Males should stick to having up to 2 servings per day and females should have only 1 serving per day.

Keep stress levels to a minimum. Medical professionals confirm that there are so many health nightmares that can result from poorly managed stress, and one of them is the hardening and narrowing of the arteries. Because of this, everyone who is leading a very busy life is highly encouraged to constantly engage in stress relieving activities. The good news is there are so many of them around, ranging from having a massage, taking a rejuvenating bath to doing yoga.

Get your regular dose of exercise. One excellent way to fend off high stress levels is doing moderate exercise. This does not really mean that you should hit the gym regularly because all kinds of exercises may be carried out inside and outside your abode. Jogging, brisk walking, dancing, gardening, swimming and bicycling are some examples.

Reduce weight. Obtaining regular exercise can also help drop unwanted pounds, and such is something that can keep atherosclerosis at bay effectively. After all, being overweight or obese is known to come with so many different complications, and getting rid of those excess pounds can assist in preventing them from coming into being.

Considerably limit consumption of foods high in fat and bad cholesterol. Doctors say that you should switch to a diet that's low in saturated fat and bad cholesterol as those nutrients are known to clog up the arteries in high amounts. You should also steer clear of anything that's processed and also packed with sodium and refined sugar. It's a wonderful idea for you to have them replaced with fruits and veggies that are high in antioxidants and fiber.

Add oily fish to the diet. Mackerel, salmon, tuna, trout and other oily fish are packed with good cholesterol that helps lower bad cholesterol. That is why they should be consumed on a regular basis in order to keep the arteries clog free. The intake of fish oil is recommended for those who cannot add oily fish to their diet regularly.

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