Thursday 27 September 2018

Things To Know About Opiate Addiction Treatment Memphis

By Eric Smith

Instant deaths through drug addiction and overdoses have become one of the leading causes of deaths in a number of states. In most cases, individuals may instantly get addicted to drugs or simply take a number of years to reach the overdependence point hence the need for immediate Opiate Addiction Treatment Memphis.

It is important to note that opiate addiction or commonly known as narcotic overdependence is very different from alcohol addiction. Opioids form a group of drugs that are often used to treat pain in patients especially after injury or surgery. This particular medicines are derived from opium which is extracted from the poppy plant. The various types of these substances that lead to immense overdependence are codeine, hydrocodone, morphine, oxycodone among others.

When one is subjected to these medicines, it offers a feeling of relief, well-being and euphoria which is indeed relaxing. These substances have been legalized in states to be used in hospitals but have ended up being misused and found their way into homes. The continuous intake of codeine among others makes the individual to be tolerant and want to have more of the same uncontrollably.

High use of these medication can lead to quick deaths caused by cardiac arrests or respiratory deaths. The effects of being extremely high tend to develop at a high rate which may cause an individual to accidentally overdose with the intention of wanting to get the euphoric feeling even more. Taking the medicines for an increased time, taking more than prescribed, and loss of interest in common activities can be signs of early overdependence.

In most cases, addicts try to quit on their own which results to opioid withdrawal. This is a result of lack of the medicine in the system and has symptoms such as disturbed sleep, vomiting, agitation, low energy, low motivation, nausea, abdominal pains among others. The individual often goes into two stages of withdrawal, acute phase which starts from the first week up to four weeks of withdrawal and the post-acute phase which can go up two years till one is recovered.

Getting to quit the habit in a well-organized rehab will help the individual to go through the withdrawal process with help. The person will need to undergo a clinical assessment which involves finding out the current situation through a phone call and further medical assessments to get to know the extent of effects of medication to the health of the individual.

When choosing a rehab, those that have family involvements should be the best option. It is often to find some families wanting nothing to do with the individual while others want to be fully involved. However, regardless of the position of the family, an excellent rehab programme recognizes the importance of family in recovery and should include the family and offering warm and safe treatment.

After treatment, the institution should have a discharge plan which involves follow up so as to keep track of the progress of the patient and also serve as an encouragement. Allowing the patients to join 12 step groups.

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