Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Important Information About Door County Bike Tour

By Steven Lee

There are many things one can do for fun. It is good to choose an activity where you can go with a group of friends and share the fascinating experience. A good idea for team building is going for a long bike ride in the beautiful county of Door. Door County bike tour is organized every year by some big sponsors who donate everything to participants. The event is planned to take place during the first Saturday after Labor Day celebrations.

The challenge is mainly a fascinating exercise and not a competition. This makes it suitable for all people who are good and amateur riders to be involved in. Kids and adults are registered to race in different categories which are created. The most form of challenges given are usually in teams thus one is required to make new friends during this day.

The main reason this challenge is organized is to bring people together and help them bond. Facilities required for a perfect or competitive racing are given by even host. In association with hotels that are located in this county, the allocation is done to adults and kids in even numbers. This has promoted this annual event making it known across the state.

People who want to participle in this challenge are advised to make booking to authorizes who are in charge of the event. Various platforms have been created where people can get into terms of participating. Register as a group if you intend to participate in that capacity. Registration is required so that every bike issued can be traced after the racing is over.

Measures are taken to safeguard the riders during the entire journey. Riding for several kilo meters is a challenge to many which is occasioned by some accidents. The provision of recommended racing gear is issued to all people. Helmets are as well given to each person to reduce the impact of falling. The emergency vehicles are stand by to assist people who trip from their bikes.

Some route guides are done before the race is set on. This is done by issuing directions using landmarks or road sings situated at different intervals. Instructors can also come along making it easier to know which path to follow during the race. Some cases where groups are involved, a map is given so that the team is able to flow their own route.

The fee for one to register and participate in this tournament is quite high. The prices are announced by hotels which hos participants for the agreed hours. Despite the amount being high, you will not spend an extra coin on food or any other thing taken from the hotel. The bicycle itself is included in the amount.

The high number of people who always want to turn up for racing every day necessitates the need to register on time. Visit the agent given the role of taking new members from the identified hotel and give you team details. The ride is also done on other days where one takes part on their own.

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