Saturday, 14 May 2016

Do You Have The Mettle To Improve Your Golf Swings?

By Candice Wagner

Golf is great pastime activity. Golf is enjoyed by people of all age ranges. Some even consider it a great family outing and get child sized clubs for their kids. It's possible to grow to love the game even if at first you think it is boring.

Getting good at golf can take some time, though. One of the biggest factors to getting better at golf is to work on your golf swing. Working on your swing will help you improve your game. The following tips will help you as you strive to improve your golf swing.

With your feet spread at varying distances, take practice shots to find what feels the best. Each golfer has a different stance, so be sure to try both wide and narrow stances. You will hit upon a stance that feels good to you (usually it is shoulder width apart) and that becomes your core stance. In order to be able to stride right into your stance when you're on the golf course, you'll want to practice it. Hit down and through when you hit your ball. You'll have to follow through to get the club to lift, and that will make the ball lift. One fallacy and big mistake is thinking you have to make the ball rise with a purposeful upswinging motion. That is a mistaken approach to hitting and always avoid doing it. Trying to hit the ball this way will send the ball high into the air but it may not send it far out from you. You can also produce that magic effect of making the ball look like a rocket that goes straight up, and then straight down - unimpressive.

Many beginners swing at the ball. But you will learn that to improve your swing, you need to swing through the ball. Your follow through are an equally important part of your swing as the back swing and down swing. Here are some tips for practicing your follow through.

Your right hand needs to now be in the hitchhiker position for backswings. This simply means that your right thumb should be pointed up as if to be hitching a ride when you look back at your hands at waist height. Your left hand however should be in a handshake position. Stretched our palm in toward the right hand. Improve that golf swing with these techniques from backswing clear through follow through.

Golf is a great game. It is a great pastime at any age. Golfing can even be fun for small children. At first, nobody's golf swing is perfect. When you put forth the effort, you will improve the quality of your golf swing.

The good news is there are lots of things you can do to improve your golf swing and your overall game. Practicing both your stance and swing, as well as having the right clubs, will help you in your endeavor to improve your golf swing.

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