Monday 15 February 2016

How Nickel Causes Hair Loss

By James Sullivan

Many people assume balding is a sign of aging. They use wide range of products to make their hair healthy and shiny. Such products include shampoos, detergent, and other chemicals, which contains traces of nickel. Over the years, nickel allergy has been believed to cause hair loss. However, evidence to support this claim has not been established. Exposure to this metal occurs through direct skin contact, drinking and consumption of contaminated water and food respectively, and inhaling those chemical compounds. The kidney can remove some traces of the metal, but high doses of nickel are hard to eliminate. Understanding whether nickel causes hair loss is a smart move.

Baldness is indisputably a genetic related condition. However, scientists have not proved whether exposure to high dose of nickel can cause allergy. Instead of dwelling on the debate on the relationship between nickel and hair loss, understanding the symptom of its allergic reaction is imperative. Symptoms that are identified at an early stage can be treated effectively. The type of symptoms includes rashes, skin, and blistering. Crusty scales are a symptom of severe allergy. You have an option of removing the jewelries for sometimes and observing whether the symptoms will reduce.

The allergy is diagnosed through a combination of questioning and visual inspection. However, conducting an actual test to be sure if the metal is the major cause of the problem is imperative. A relationship between nickel exposure and baldness does exist. To reduce the incidences of allergies, you should make sure all the products purchased are nickel-free. You can either acquire a testing kit or inquire from the manufacturer.

Women have high probability for contracting nickel allergy. Researchers believe that women are prone to nickel allergies than men. This is because they tend to pierce their ears and jewelries containing traces of the allergic metals are inserted. However, ear piercing has gained a lot of popularity over the past few years, and the number of men piercing their ears has tremendously increased. To eliminate the risk of allergies free product such as stainless steel, solid gold, and hypoallergenic jewelry should be used during the piercing process. Since a definite cure for allergies does not exist, the physician gives the patient medication that neutralizes the effect of the symptom.

The only trick of preventing allergies is to avoid products that contain the metal elements. You should avoid contact with products such as coins, silver, and jewelry. Patients can buy alternative product such as paper clips that are coated with plastic.

When you know the mechanism of a particular complication, you will know how to avoid it. It is worth to note that balding occurs naturally. It is influenced by genetic factor and can be passed from one generation to another. If there is a history of balding in your family, the allergy may not be the cause of hair loss.

Employees working in jewelry shops and supermarkets are at a great danger of being exposed to allergy. They can use prophylaxis medication to eliminate instances of contracting the complication. Additionally, they can wear protective gloves.

Processed foods such as grains, chocolate, and nuts contain traces of the metal. The ability of such food to trigger allergic reaction has not been established. It is imperative to be keen when you are purchasing processed foods.

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