Friday 26 February 2016

Homemade Items That Can Act As PH Balanced Skin Care Products

By Harold Rogers

The outer layer of the human skin is responsible for inhibiting growth of toxins, germs, and bacteria. The dermal layer is highly functional when it is acidic. Glands responsible for production of sweats and other important secretions are responsible for altering the acidity level. In addition, pH varies from one body part to another. It also depends on sex, age, and perspiration rate. Understanding the various types of PH Balanced skin care products available in groceries is an excellent move. You will be able to differentiate healthy products from unhealthy ones.

Scientifically, level 7 is a neutral pH, but the outer body covering requires acidic condition of level 5.5. At that level, the skin will have all the energy it requires to deal with harmful toxins and bacteria. You need to check the type of detergents and deodorants you use. Some of them interfere with the natural pH balance leading to clogging of pores and activation of internal process responsible for speeding up aging.

The aging process is stimulated when the level of acidity is not maintained at the standard level. Exposing your skin to products that are alkaline, it becomes dry. The number of wrinkles will tremendously increase. This change will stimulate the production of sebum, which will worsen the already bad situation.

Chemical products applied on the body surface disrupt the level of PH. In case you want to use chemical substances make sure a reliable company produces it. In addition, you dermatologist should advice you on the right products to use. You should know people react differently to the products. Therefore, just because a particular moisturizer is working for your friend, it does not necessarily mean it will work for you. Showering on daily basis is an effective approach of removing oils and dirt from your body surface.

Natural moisturizing agents such as toners should be available in your house. You only need to mix lemon juice and water in their right proportion. For example, a tablespoon of lemon juice in a cup full of water. The citric acid has an ability to kill bacteria, toxins, and remove radicals.

You can make a homemade body spray. It should contain apple cider vinegar that originates from fermented apples, which is full of minerals and other important vitamins. These vitamins have an ability of restoring pH at the recommended level. One part of apple cider should be diluted in eight part of water.

The mixture should be left for twenty minutes to one hour. Do not expect overnight results after applying this product. You will need to apply it on a daily basis. The mixture contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties that fight germs and opens clogged pores. The ideal method to use this substance is to spray it on your body couple of minutes before showering.

Coming up with a dieting plan is recommendable. Some of nutrients presents in some raw foods are able to restore the acidity nature of skin. Fruit and vegetable should be included in the diet. Drinking the right volume of water is mandatory.

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