Saturday, 15 April 2017

What You Need To Know About Eye Vitamin Supplements

By Joseph Graham

As a matter of fact, the claims that some nutritional supplements can help in preventing some common eye diseases have been growing in the last decade. However, in health, some of these claims are not supported by research. Nevertheless, there is research that support that some eye vitamin supplements can actually be beneficial to people with high risk of eye diseases.

Usually, these studies often revolve around age-related macular degeneration or AMD, a leading cause of vision loss. AMD is actually a serious problem because over one million people are thought to have the advanced form of the condition, and about 8 millions are estimated to be at a higher risk. However, some studies indicate that taking supplements that are rich in the eye vitamins can minimize the likelihood of vision loss due to AMD.

It is, however, important to note that these supplements are not magic bullets for eye health. This is because there is no any evidence to suggest that these nutritional improvers can prevent people without a vision problem from getting age-related macular degeneration. Normally, most eye health experts often recommend these improvers to people already experiencing certain types of vision problems. For instance, these improvers can be more beneficial to those with dry AMD which is less severe due to its slower progression on vision loss, compared to wet AMD that is more severe.

On the other hand, these improvers do not cure all eye problems. For instance, some supplements are only recommended after an eye exam reveals drusen or yellow spots which is a sign of AMD. This is because, the supplement will only work if you have the yellow spots, and you must be at that stage.

Normally, antioxidants are the common nutrients found in most eye health supplements. This is because the oxidative stress, a damaging result of toxins and reactive oxygen are implicated in AMD, many age-related conditions, as well as the aging process itself. These antioxidants are usually thought to reduce the progression rate of vision loss.

Nonetheless, the health of your eyes may not revolve around the use of pills. Actually, antioxidants contained in the improvers also occur naturally in the body and in other kinds of foods. Some researches also suggest that consuming vegetables that are green and leafy will minimizes the dangers of sight loss. The antioxidants occur in higher proportions in food than can be found in a single supplement. Again, the body can easily process nutrients that are in food compared to that in nutrional improvers.

At the same time it is still not clear if taking large doses of antioxidant is beneficial. It is, however, not recommended to take a high dose of these improvers. This is because the body can only utilize a specific amount of the nutrient, although taking a higher dose may not hurt.

Essentially, eye vitamins are crucial for maintaining eye health. These vitamins for the eyes are also important in preventing other diseases. Although they may be obtained by taking certain food, these foods may be difficult to get especially in this times of fast food whereby getting a good healthy meal may be almost impossible. Due to this, vitamin supplements become very essentials.

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