Friday, 13 January 2017

A Guide To Assist You To Understand Diabetic Retinopathy

By Mary Howard

This is a serious illness that can pose a threat to your sight. If not treated, this illness can damage the eyes. Many people lack enough knowledge about this disease. As a result, they are not able to control it. Outlined, is a guide that will help you to understand diabetic retinopathy:

This illness is categorized into two groups: the proliferative and non-proliferative retinopathy. The first stage of the illness is the non-proliferative type. In this stage, you may fail to notice any symptoms. The advanced stage of this illness is the proliferative stage. During this stage, you may notice signs such as double vision.

This condition is caused by hyperglycemia. Uncontrolled diabetes triggers the accumulation of sugar in blood vessels. This impedes the normal flow of blood to body organs including the eye. The gradual accumulation of sugar prompts the progressive damage of the retina. Sugar clogs blood vessels around the retina thus, destroying light-sensitive cells that are necessary for good vision. The clogged vessels leak fluids that cause the retina to swell hence, causing blurry vision or the permanent loss of sight.

The signs of this illness vary from one stage to another. No detectable signs are noticed in the first stages of this illness. If the illness has developed, signs may start to show. For instance, you may experience intense pain around the eye. Also, you may experience double vision. If detected early, this illness can be cured. Therefore, if you notice the signs mentioned above, you should visit a doctor. Earlier treatment will assist you to prevent permanent eye damage.

In mild cases, this ailment does not require treatment. However, in serious cases, physicians recommend prompt treatment. This ailment can be treated through surgical operations. For instance, it can be cured through focal and scatter laser surgical operations. During surgery, physicians remove the swollen retinal vessels and scar tissues that form around the eye. This removal improves eye-sight and minimizes the progression of this ailment. Also, it can be treated through steroid injections. These injections minimize the leakage of fluids thus, improving eye-sight. Obtaining prompt treatment is important, particularly in the advanced stage. If you notice signs associated with this ailment, you should consider seeking immediate treatment. There are many physicians that can treat this ailment in Bethesda, MD. You should, therefore, ensure that you select a proficient physician.

People diagnosed with diabetes are at a greater risk of developing this condition. Individuals that have other medical disorders such as obesity and high-blood pressure are also at a greater chance of developing this disorder. Other risk factors include race, age, and pregnancy.

This illness can be controlled by maintaining normal levels of blood glucose. It can also be regulated by maintaining ideal weight. To control this illness, you can consider indulging in physical activities. You can also consider eating highly nutritious foods.

It is important for you to learn ways to prevent the damage of the retina. This illness can pose a serious threat to your eye sight. The facts listed in this article are important as they will help you to understand more about this illness. This article will assist you to learn more about this illness.

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