Friday, 5 February 2016

Different Addictions Are Harder To Overcome Than Others

By Buck Lous

Many drug addicts find that giving their problems to God on a daily basis is the first step into taking the right action. Often people look at their own spiritual destiny and feel like they are working towards a specific goal in their life. When you give your problem to God, he gives you a certain sense of overcoming your pain and sorrow. You have to look at life and feel like it's working towards you. Life in general makes us see that we are in a good position for change.

I recently saw an episode on COPS which showed a man running around their neighborhood naked because of their use of cocaine. Cocaine makes a person run around and feel a sense of change. Change happens when you least expect and you can easily look at your life and say, "Hey, everything is going in a good or bad direction for me."

When someone takes drugs and drinks alcohol, they are actually crying out for help. They feel better when they are high because it actually masks the real problem in which they are dealing with.

If we get a psychic reading, the spiritual adviser will often tell us what they see for us. We never know exactly what that can be. For the most part, it's a new beginning for our life and we can focus on what is most important. I like to think of life as being a new foundation. On a daily basis, we look at life as being new. It is a new creation of who and what we are.

In life, sobriety means that we are taking on new patterns of behavior. We travel and begin to see our own spiritual path in life. It begins to become a part of us. The one thing that many addicts learn in recovery is to pay attention to their own spiritual life. Make sure that it makes sense to you. Make sure that you are accountable to a higher power that needs you. Needing to speak with a higher power is the best way for change to happen in one's life. It is all a personal connection to where we are headed in life.

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