Monday 13 August 2018

Effective All Natural Arthritis Pain Reliever Options You May Choose From

By Nancy Baker

You can always pop an anti inflammatory drug in your mouth each time your joint is achy. However, you should be ready to face some really unfavorable side effects as well as health risks. If you're not willing to experience dizziness, ringing in the ears, stomach pain, diarrhea and many others, skip taking a drug. What you need to do is choose from the many different natural arthritis pain reliever options. Some of the best can be found below, so keep on reading.

Count on a little heat. Fill a cotton sock with uncooked rice grains. Tie the open end and heat it up in the microwave for up to a couple of minutes. Place it on the achy joint afterwards, but make sure that it's not blistering hot. You may carry out this tip for a number of times a day until you're happy with the results.

Count on an ice pack. If there is some swelling present, skip applying heat because it will only exacerbate the problem. What you need to do instead is grab an ice pack. However, experts say that you should not place ice cubes directly on your skin. Have them wrapped first in a clean piece of cloth before placing on the achy joint.

Whip up a strong brew of chamomile. Place a couple of chamomile tea bags in a cup of boiling water. Wait for the water to turn from scalding hot to lukewarm. Dip a cotton pad in the strong tea and wring out excess. Leave it on the swollen joint until it's dry completely. Repeat these steps if needed.

Massage homemade turmeric cream. Combine a tablespoon of turmeric and water in a small bowl. Add water drop by drop while stirring. Stop placing any more water the moment the texture is already rich. The resulting paste should then be massaged on the affected area and allowed to dry. Washing it off with water later on is no longer needed. To enjoy superb results, try applying turmeric cream several times throughout the day.

Brew and drink ginger tea. Another effective remedy for arthritis is ginger because it's actually a relative to turmeric. In a cup of boiling water, allow to steep a teaspoon of fresh ginger root that's grated. Strain after several minutes. If you are not happy with the strong taste, add a teaspoon of lemon juice or honey. Consume a cup of ginger tea in the morning as well as before bedtime for faster results.

Consume oily types of fish. There are healthy fats present in oily fish and they are called omega 3 fatty acids. They are good for anyone who is afflicted with arthritis as they have anti inflammatory properties. On a regular basis, include oily fish in your diet such as salmon, herring, trout, sardines, halibut and tuna.

Take a fish oil capsule every day. Worry not if it's not possible for you to consume oily fish regularly. That's because you may simply buy a bottle of fish oil capsules and take one daily. If you are prescribed with a blood thinning medication, make sure that you tell your doctor about your plan on taking fish oil as it can cause further thinning of the blood. Such can be dangerous because it can lead to excessive bleeding.

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