Tuesday 25 July 2017

Information About Menopause Treatment Bethesda MD

By Thomas Long

For women who are troubled by the symptoms of menopause, there are various treatment options available. The most common menopause treatment Bethesda MD is hormone replacement therapy, also known as HRT. This therapy involves replacing the declining estrogen levels in your body which steadily decrease when women begin menopause. The decline in estrogen is the cause of many of the uncomfortable symptoms that women experience, so replacing this hormone often relieves many of the symptoms.

HRT has been viewed with great skepticism due to its perceived link with breast cancer. However, new research indicates that HRT is safe and effective and can still be offered to women. HRT can be taken in tablet form, as a skin patch, or as a gel that is rubbed into the skin. It can also be given through implants. Although it is safe, it should not be given to women with a high risk or history of breast cancer.

One common form of treatment is hormone therapy. This is when the woman is given shots of estrogen or pills to help normalize her hormone levels. Estrogen therapy has been used for many years to treat these symptoms and is still considered to be the most effective method for relieving uncomfortable hot flashes. Depending on the medical history of the patient, doctors often recommend giving estrogen in the lowest possible doses to provide relief of symptoms. For women who still have a uterus and have not undergone a hysterectomy, doses of progestin are often given in addition to the estrogen hormone. Estrogen is an important hormone because it helps to prevent bone loss. Many doctors also believe hormone therapy may be good for the heart if the woman starts it within five years after completing her menstrual periods.

Many women use herbal remedies that mimic human hormones which are found in various plants. Herbal remedies have been known to prevent menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. Some herbs that you may want to try include black cohosh, chasteberry and passionflower.

Some women notice that they gain weight during menopause, especially around their stomach area. This can be very frustrating because the weight is often difficult to lose. One of the reasons why women gain weight during this time in their lives is because of the fluctuating levels of the hormone estrogen which causes the body to retain fat. In addition, the fat itself actually produces more estrogen, which can cause women to feel caught in a vicious cycle.

Exercise is also very important for controlling menopausal symptoms. Women can relieve their symptoms by engaging in such activities as walking, yoga, dancing, biking and swimming. Choose activities that you enjoy or you will not feel compelled to continue with your exercise regime. Staying active can have a major impact on controlling your weight, reducing symptoms and boosting your overall health. You do not have to engage in strenuous exercise if you do not want to. Gentle exercise can be good for you too, because sometimes the adrenal glands become overworked, which can lead to you constantly feeling tired.

Although testosterone is the male sex hormone, it can sometimes help women to restore their natural sex drive. Testosterone is not currently licensed for women to use, however, your doctor can prescribed it if they believe it will help you. There are certain side effects to using testosterone supplements, such as unwanted hair growth and acne.

Menopausal women may also experience vaginal dryness and discomfort. If you experience vaginal dryness and pain due to menopause, your doctor may prescribe estrogen treatment such as a tablet, cream or ring that is inserted in the vagina. It is also possible to use simple lubricants or vaginal moisturizers to relieve vaginal itch and dryness.

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